eco system question


Active Member
A friend of ours has fallen in love with our fishies to the point that he wants a tank. His co-worker has told him as a beginner to use a Ecosystem 40 flitration. He also told him he did not need a skimmer?? Since
we are not familiar with this set up, we don't know where to guide him. We of course have given him this site. He wants a 40 gallon FOWLR. He has also talked to a few local LFS about setting something up and has gotten different responses.
Anyone know about this system and does it need a skimmer??


Active Member
If you use an ecosystem then they say you do not need a skimmer, I have heard a lot of good things about these systems, they just seem a bit overpriced, I feel like I could build the same thing for much less.


Active Member
he said $250.00 ON SALE :eek:
but Tom didn't seem to mind that after the LFS explained that this system eliminates some of the other work/items involved in other filtration methods. We told Tom he decides to get everything from this guy to try and work that price down....if thats possible.
I am courious as to what this system does to let it eliminate the skimmer.


Active Member
Tell Tom the best bit of advice he will ever hear:
Do not listen to any LFS, come to this board and ask first.
It may turn out that the LFS is correct - stranger things have happened (not many)


I agree w/ col! You should-when dealing with saltwater fish-always get several opinions on the matter before you make a decision you may regret in the future!