

New Member
Has anybody heard of or had experience with one of these filters? Check out I think I am going to try one, the website says it reduces water changes and makes aquariums much healthier.

tony detroit

Active Member
I posted a thread about a 2 months ago about it. The three responses I had said that it is a waste of money. I think it is bogus too. If it was as good as they claim it is then why wouldn't they be setting up a dealer network as opposed to buying them online. And if they were that good, everyone and their brother would be using one. That's my guess. I dunno I didn't want to spend the money on one without knowing somebody that had one that worked.


fama about march had a review on it done by one of their equipment guys. been a while since i read it, but i dont remember him saying it was awful.

bang guy

There's a theory out there that there really is only one of these devices. They just keep reselling it after it's returned by the buyer.


if they charge a restocking fee, that would explain why the unit is so cheap, they make 10 bucks every time someone returns it!