Economical Lighting Suggestions


i am currently looking to replace my 48" Power compact light (4 bulbs, 2x 65w 10k and 2x 65w actinic) and I need some suggestions on what to buy/where to buy it from. So far I have found a Coralife Lunar power compact with 4 bulbs, 2x 65w 10k and 2x 65w actinic plus 4 Moon LED's for $210 as well as a Jebo 48 incher with 4 bulbs, 2x 55w 10k and 2x 55w actinic for under $150. While I would really like one of them fancy MH setups, I simply can't afford it right now (plus the PC did just fine before). My tank is fish-only, no corals.
Do either of the above options sound OK? If not, does anyone have a suggestion on what to buy and where to get it. What brands should I be looking at/staying away from? I'd like to stay in the $200 range.


I had the same problem a couple of months ago, and went with a MH setup, and it ended up cheaper then anything else, but a little more work. I bought MH lights off ----, I have a 75 gal and bought 2 175w, they were $80 each. The thing is the reflectors are big and ugly, so I had to build a canopy to go over my tank. The wood was cheap, just took a couple of days to build.
There is really no comparision between my old PC and the new MH, the sparkle is amazing, and the canopy completes the tank, I'm not a big fan of seeing big lights over an expensive tank.


Active Member
You dont really need much light at all if you're doing FO. You can get away with just a normal output flourescent fixture if you want. But if you;re going to have corals then you may want to consider a better light.


Todd K
What was the brand of those MH's you picked up. Did they come with a ballast? What was included for $80?


I'm not sure of the brand, but everything was included even the color of bulb you want. I actually just ordered 2 more to go over the pond I am building, the site is the seller on ---- is 360summer360 and his name is Mike.