Economically Friendly 10gal fuge?


Subject says it all. I have a ten gallon tank doing nothing but dust collection. I have a 55 gallon reef tank with a skimmer, HOT filter (225 gph), 4 powerheads (190 gph each), and a 30 watt submersible heater. I would like to make a fuge or "topper" if possible buying as few things as possible (maybe using powerheads as pumps???). I am NOT a carpenter but I'm sure I could do most PVC pipe applications.
I'd like to consider myself "thrifty" rather than a "tite wad", but you get what I'm asking for.


Well-Known Member
you might try the thread I started entitled my DYI refugium.
I used a tupperware with an diy box for filter media. powered it with a power head. I now have upgraded to a mag 5 because the water flow was so slow.
One thing that was very important is to test the system to ensure you don't have a flood when the power goes off or when the power returns.
You may also want to use the 10g for a nano or a culture tank. I use an old 20g for my macros and plants for instance.


And you need to have a good plan for getting water to the fuge or to the tank. DONT attempt 2 pumps, (one to fuge one to display) it will never work long term. Look into either an overflow or drilling the tank.
WHen you say topper I assume you want the 10 gallon above the display and not below it?


Sorry - when I wrote "topper" I meant that I would like to use some sort of top-off switch in my "display" tank to turn on either a pump or a powerhead in my 10 gallon to send more water into my display until it "tops off". I figure this could work kind of like a toilet bowl???
I was thinking that if I could have water flowing to and from this 10 gallon tank into my 55, I could put a small chunk of LR in it, some sand, etc for pods, algae, etc... but keep only like 7 gallons of water in it.... I could simply add my distilled water to this tank, and if I had some swtch (like the toilet bowl has) it would top-off my display tank automatically... I thought that if I just kept the pump/powerhead that does the topping off for the 55 above where the 5 gallon water line in the 10 galllon would be... I could keep it from pumping too much water into the 55 gallon???
I just don't have the desire to get my tank drilled and I didn't know if it was possible to build a small reefugium/top-off device would be possible. I'm just on vacation and wanted to do something constructive and cheap for my reef.:cool:


IMO its a bad idea, as sometimes top off switches get stuck. Look into a DIY overflow box, much safer, much more effecient.


Active Member
I made a 10g. fuge for my 55 and it works great. I used an Amiracle overflow box with a mag 5 for a return pump. I siliconed a peice of plastic across one end to create a sump area for the pump and I have the drain hose emptying in right there too. The pump doesn't keep up with the overflow so it creates a very slight current in the fuge area. If I ran the drain on one side and the pump on the other the water would flow too fast through the fuge to do any good. With a powerhead for a pump you might have a slow enough flow rate to be able to drain at one end and pump at the other. It sounds cheesy but works great.


Definatly go with an over flow you will thank yourself. I went and ordered a drilled tank (29 gal drilled is scarce) to flow to my fuge. I just have a maxi-jet 1200 as my return on the opposite side of the tank (both behind baffles) and it works very well. I might could use slightly more flow but not much. I may just raise my fuge to lessen the head pressure to get that. Mine has been set up for over a year now and is doing great.