ecosystem filter


Has anyone here ever use an ecosystem filter? I bought one and just hooked it up yesterday. look at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to read testimonials


Congratulations! I've been running mine for quite some time now and I simply love it. I skipped on the mud though. I just felt it was the only way they could make money off of it. The design is so simple that anyone can recreate it in a sump. They just added the bio-balls (which is bad) and created the mud so they could sell something. I found from early users that the mud is great for bringing ich into your tank. We can do without that. I figured if the trace elements were in the mud, I might as well buy the supplements instead of pay $10/lb for this stuff. You still have to buy calcium anyway. Aside from that, it's still the most natural system and you can't go wrong with that.


I'm using a hang on 60 in my 54 gal reef tank that is still undergoing cycle. I wrote about it and put some pics in the EQ section, along with water parameters as the filter is breaking in.


mine has worked for years and i never add anything except a little calcium. the mud does not carry ich and it constantly replaces all lost elements in the tank. you save a ton of money from not having to buy all those chemicals. if you shop around you can find the mud for well under 7/lb. by the way ich lives in the tissue of all fish it is dormant in the tissues. when great stress hits then the ich awakens and youve got it. the bio balls are fine in the filter the algaes feed of of the nutrients that the bio balls leach into the system over time a long time.


Now, if the mud (which is really cat litter) occured naturally in the ocean, I might have used it. A true ecosystem is what I'd like to achieve.


I just peeped the pics of your 54. Will you be adding live rock soon? Not to downgrade your Lost City of Atlantis look, but the dimensions of your tank would create a sweet mini-reef.


Sorry it took so long to get back, just noticed your post. Check out the new pictures, we did add the Kaelini live rock (slowly) and are building a reef tank out of it. I have a few inverts, and some green chromises (that we rescued from the GARBAGE at the LFS) and we're discussing what corals to add. Heres a link to the latest photos. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I have been running the system for a while now and I absolutlely love it. It doesn't happen over night, but ultimately you should be able to get your nitrates to pretty close to zero. (Keeping in mind one of the previous posts <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> )
Make sure to run the light 24/7 and get some good calurpa growing down there. The other thing to make sure of is to "Groom" the calurpa so that it is always gowing!


So has anyone actually examined this miracle mud to see what it actually is? I have thought of trying to make my own version. From what I read the only thing special or secret about the whole system is the mud. And judging by the price of it it must be atleast 50% gold! If anyone has built thier own with any success please email me at "BUDDAH73@AOL.COM" Thanks