Ecosystem Filter


Hi all....just setup an Ecosystem 60 hang on on my 54 gal corner tank. I've been anxious to try this method of filtration, to see if it can do what it claims. If anyone's interested, I'll post specs and so forth as the filter cycling process goes on. (takes about 6 weeks). Anyone had good/bad luck with these so far?

david s

i would like to watch specs got any pics of the setup ??? or a link to what it looks like i am fairly new but a big hardware geek :D


Okay...I threw up some photos for you...the tank specs are clean, I did this on purpose, to get a 'control' situation. Temp 78, SG 1.023, Amm, Nit, and Nitra 0, ph 8.2 calc 450ppm.
Heres what the thing looks like
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
I have had one up and running for about a month now. Too early to say if it lives up to the claims but so far so good.


I would be very interested in it also..I have been thinking about trying something like that...Just haven't gotten the nerve up yet
Keep us updated


Update on Ecosytem 60:
Here are the water params as of today, filter has been up since the 9th.
SG: 1.023
PH: 8.2
Alk 2.3
Amm: 10
NitrA: 40
Nitrit: 0
The chamber with the mud has a lot of brown algae on the sides and on the surface of the water.