ecosystem internet deals???


anyone know a good site for GREAT deals on dry goods (i.e. ecosystems?) I know they are pricey, but someone always knows a good hook up !
I just ordered a ecosystem 40 from this site 2 days ago. It was $229.00... then went to $199.00 right when I was checking out.
Now it is $249. Still lower than other sites though. I guess I got lucky that day.
By the way, check out the price after shipping. The shipping was free from this site. I checked out the site that the other dude told you to check. I don't think they offer free shipping.


I just got a 40 used for $75. It didn't include the light or the rio pump but with that i'm only spending about $115 on it. Its still in good condition. Hope it works out for me.


hey drew, where did you get that deal? is it basically the same thing as a cpr hang on refugium?


Just a little FYI, I bought one as well and it cost me $700 for my 180. After buying it, I realized how easy it would be to build. Thats what I would suggest.


hey cadbury, which model did you buy. I attempted to recreate the "system" only to get confused about the multiple diagrams I had access to. Plus the manu. support is worth its weight in gold..... I broke down and bought too.


I bought the 3616, hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. Everything seems to be good so far, but like I said, if I knew better I would of built it myself and saved myself 600 and built it for about 100!!!:mad:
My ecosystem 40 arrived last night at 8pm. I put it on with no problem. I'll have to see if it's worth it. I think it will be.


now that you have all the wisdom, minus 700 bucks, can you please share it and email me any info/plans you have for building one? it would help tons. thanks


cadbury........I would have rather built one also. My 3616 will be hear this weekend. You live and learn...........
Is your tank already functional or are you planning on cycling from scratch. The reason I ask, I am starting from square one and could use any and all advice........
did you get it direct from ecosystem?


Mine has been up now a little over 2 1/2 months, its actually doing really well, the caluerpa is growing rapidly. I added 50 lbs of live sand with a 80 lbs of southdown sand, they say you should'nt have a deep sand bed. I also have about 100 lbs of live rock and 150 lbs of base rock. I didnt even have a cycle, its doing really good. I already have a few things in their and everything seems to be going good? What kind of pump are you useing, I habe a Mag 18 running off of it!
I did also buy direct, live and learn.


New Member
Just a little FYI, I bought one as well and it cost me $700
if you DIY it will still cost you around 350 to 400 $ for the mud the reason it cost you 700 is because you got the acrylic sump if you would've gotten the glass sump you would've saved around 200$ my 3616 cost me about 550 with the glass sump.