I use the ecosystem filters on two tanks, and a standard Berlin type setup on two others (sump, protein skimmer).
I have noticed that the ecosystem filtration method does do about what Sammy says, (about a natural "ecosystem"), but there are other elements to making it successful using the Ecosystem brand filtration boxes.
You NEED a good quantity of quality live rock, and a VERY thin sand bed. (no more than 1/2") You must also feed the tank every few days, and add a good multipurpose element solution, like Reef Solution, and calcium to make levels correct.
As far as maintenance, I spend 4 times as much time on my Berlin systems then on the Ecosystems, so its right on there.
You should also have some good caulerpa growth in the mud chamber, to help with algae nutrient absorption. I love the Ecosystem filters, and will use them on my next tank for certain.