Ecosystem or traditional sump & skimmer?


I have been reading for days tring to pick up pointers for starting my system.
1. Is there a clear advantage for an ecosystem over getting a big sump & skimmer?
2. Can this ultimately benefit me in the long run?
3. Can I cycle a tank with this ecosystem method?


Sammy....I see you have been in the hobby for a while. In your personal opinion could a beginner pull off the ecosystem method? I want to minimize upkeep due to my extensive weekly traveling. I am truely interested in the corals and passive fish. From my research, I can purchase a large sump and fill with mircle mud to accomplish balance, right?


I for one am going to go with the Eco-System in large part for the sheer simplicity of it. There is no need to do the water changes as often as you would with a normal setup. The down side is only the price of the setup. My 3012 will cost $500 retail, although i got mine for $400. :D I have read as much as I could on it and asked as many people as possible what they though of it and everyone i've spoke with swears by it.


Also LeBoeuf, it may be cheaper to buy the eco-system setup then trying to make your own. After you buy the bio balls, accessories and miracle mud your going to be spending alot anyway. If you buy one of their setups it already comes with all of that. Keep that in mind. If you indeed can work something out thats cheaper thats great but buying the complete system really isn't a bad deal.


beefcake....$500 isn't bad considering the cost of a good skimmer and large sump. How big is your tank? Can I do this to cycle also? thanks


LeBoeuf: I'm a newbie too so I certainly don't speak from experience. Just offering what info I've gathered on it so far. I don't see why it would affect the cycle though. Have you been to the eco-system website ? Lots of info there .....
You can contact them through the site they will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
P.S. - be sure to checkout Mr.4000's tanks in the links there. He runs a 4000 gallon tank using eco-systems miracle mud !


holy #5*2! Thanks beefcake. My girl thought i was extreme with my 220g. Thanks for the link, I'm sold..........


Sammy...... is the actual ecosystem your referencing a different setup than the one sold on I have been to the site.


I use the ecosystem filters on two tanks, and a standard Berlin type setup on two others (sump, protein skimmer).
I have noticed that the ecosystem filtration method does do about what Sammy says, (about a natural "ecosystem"), but there are other elements to making it successful using the Ecosystem brand filtration boxes.
You NEED a good quantity of quality live rock, and a VERY thin sand bed. (no more than 1/2") You must also feed the tank every few days, and add a good multipurpose element solution, like Reef Solution, and calcium to make levels correct.
As far as maintenance, I spend 4 times as much time on my Berlin systems then on the Ecosystems, so its right on there.
You should also have some good caulerpa growth in the mud chamber, to help with algae nutrient absorption. I love the Ecosystem filters, and will use them on my next tank for certain.


I too have the ecosystem and will tell you that you only have to add supplements. The co that sells the eco also sells stuff called reef solutions, the only supplement to add is calcium. Check it out. And thanks to the moderators who shut me down and removed my post when I first posted about the ecosystem last year showing the website! Looks like they are also using something exceptional in the marine world of fish keeping:D


Active Member
Well from what I have read and heard from people that use them, it will become the norm in a few years.... very good setup.
My only question is does anyone run a calcium reactor with a ecosystem? Is there a need, even in a sps dominated tank?


Ya, I only wish that another company knew the "Miracle-Mud" recipe so they could compete with them and lower the price on it. Grrrr


Guys....esp. Sammy........thanks for the advice. I spent most of the day searching the net looking for deals. Finally got up enough nerve to call the manu. and try and work a deal. Needless-to-say, after multiple phone calls and faxing diagrams & articles back and forth, we came to an understanding. I will be the proud owner of a #3616 ecosystem in a couple of days....preciate ya:D