Edible Stellatus??



I have a 3-4 Stellatus puffer that i've had for about 4 months now. He is my favorite fish. Currently he's in with 2inch humma humma and i just recently added a 4inch sailfin tang. A day after adding the tang i noticed my puffer started hiding more. Then one day while the puffer was resting on a piece of live rock i noticed my tang take a nip on the puffers back,,and my puffer(pacman) sort of cringed.
Now months before i had a juvenile koran angel that would periodically do the same thing and i ended up taking him back for this reason. They didn't seem to do out of territorial aggressiveness. It just seems random...if the puffer is close enough or near they would just do it. Its almost as if the puffer has some type of barnacle growing on him(which it doesnt') and they're just nipping at it. Although now the puffer seems to be out more swimming around but the tang has only been in the tank for a few days now. Will this be an on going problem...and why do they seem to do this to him..I've never seen the lil humma humma do it