eel at lfs


Went to the local lfs and they had an eel I never heard of. its a conger eel and he told me it only gets about 2 feet long. Came home did some research and found out it gets over 7 feet long and can wiegh more than 90 lbs
how can they sell this thing ???? They dont even know what they have :mad: I will be going back there Sunday and bitching them out and letting them know what they have so they dont sell it to someone, even though it probably wont do any good.
yeah they will sell anything i seen a guy sell someone a horn shark and the person had a 55 galon tank . so money talks all the time , it,s sad but true



Originally Posted by cubsfan
Went to the local lfs and they had an eel I never heard of. its a conger eel and he told me it only gets about 2 feet long. Came home did some research and found out it gets over 7 feet long and can wiegh more than 90 lbs
how can they sell this thing ???? They dont even know what they have :mad:
I will be going back there Sunday and bitching them out and letting them know what they have so they dont sell it to someone, even though it probably wont do any good.
They know what have.... they just dont care. If you ask them for a eel that will get huge im sure theyd tell you that one will. Just dont shop there anymore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
That would fit well in a nano. lol
Yeah, like a sardine! :hilarious


That picture...even if I had like a thousand gallon tank, I wuoldn't have one of those because it looks like it would eat me!