Eel Disappeared?


Active Member
I recently transferred the contents of my 55 to a 110. I moved all my rock plus fish. I still have the 55 set-up but can not find my eel. I was given this eel about 4 years ago and he was doing great. I poked around the CC substrate.....could he bury himself in the substrate? If deep? He has "disapperared" in the past...sometimes for days at a time..
I saw him the night before the transfer...he ate.
I wanted to bring him to the lfs as I no longer want the eel. I am not certain what type of eel it is..sorta green and about 10-12" long.


Active Member
I have glass tops..they were off when I transferred. No sign on the floor and I have no critters that would eat him should he have escaped. Not in the HOT filter either. That only leaves the substrate...but he would have to be really deep as I have poked around already.


maybe just flippin out cause of the move and hiding in the LR or under a peice or somethin :notsure:


Active Member
All rock was removed. I left a few pieces of rubble rock in the tank for the HOT refugium I ordered. I'm baffled. Hope I will find him in the substrate this weekend when I finish taking the tank down


he probably jumped. you'd be suprised how fast and far they can move before they die. when mine jumped out when i turned around to get some food i chased him almost to the other end of my room!:eek:


Active Member
That's sad because I had him for years. If he did jump and run I best find him before my girlfriend does.


your girlfriends gonna freak seeing an eel laying in the floor. maybe you should let her find it. lol it would be fun to watch her freak out.


Active Member
i think he jumped out and wiggle somwhere.. suckx that he die from drying out.. they are tought critters tho... i mean.. only need 1 water change a year to survive in a tank....


Active Member
I could not sleep tonight so I decided to grab a flashlight and check the tank. I disconnected the lighting when I transferred the contents. I saw the bogger head peaking out from behing a power head I had disconnected. I have no ideea where he is/was hiding in that tank. I kept the flitration running and heater on assuming he may still be in the tank. I'll try and feed him tomorrow if I can find him. Dang, that is one sneaky eel.


Active Member
Yes...I borught him to the lfs and a lady that works there has placed him in her 125 at home. Still not sure where he was hiding but I was able to get him at feeding time. I tried to feed him for several days but he never surfaced. I suspect he was stressed due to all the live rock being transferred along with his buddies.