Eel for 29g biocube?


New Member
Is there a small eel that is both reef safe, and small enough to live comfortably in a 29g tank?
(we are gathering ideas for stocking our tank that is curing)
Thanks for the input!


Active Member
If by reef you mean Corals, then a dwarf moray might be alright(max size 12"). If by reef you mean crustaceans and snails, then no.


New Member
What would you use as a "clean up" crew with an eel?
And what fish would be compatible?
(we are sure we want 2 clowns) uncertain about our other 2 or 3.


Active Member
The only fish safe with an Eel are things too large for them to eat. If you've ever seen a snake eat you know his mouth gets about twice as large as his body, so you have to make sure to get fish larger then that. I can't think of any cuc that would be safe with an eel.


New Member
hey im not sure what type of eel u plan on getting in the bio cube 29 but i have the same tank and i got a snowflake eel and i would keep jumping in the back of the tank into the filter but i got a screen that u use to keep bugs and rodents out of places and cut it to the size of the back of the tank and stapled it down and he cant get out anymore but when he was it was a pain trying to get him out but besides that the snowflake eel is peaceful it does bother anyone or anything in the tank


New Member
What did you staple the screen to, the plastic?
Also, what other critters do you keep?


New Member
yea it u look real hard the staples run across the plastic that seperates the filter from the tank but i have 3 damsels a sailfin tang a coral banded shrimp the snow flake eel a green brittle star fish about 4 turbo snails and about 5 blue leg hermits but i wish i would have never got the yellow tail blue damsel its bad it killed my two clowns but its real hard to get out imma get em one day


New Member
Yes, I had a Domino damsel in my 55g, and got rid of him.(only to have the b/w white striped one take over in the role of eating every new fish I put in!


New Member
I liked everything I read......up to the $350. + price tag

I believe we will need to practice on something a tad less expensive for now, but thanks for the suggestion.


Active Member
Engineer Goby is a good suggestion and much easier to have in a reef. Just tell all your friends its an Eel and they'll never know any better(unless they also keep a reef tank :D )


I have to on the negative side and say NONE are suitable for a 29 gallon tank most will get way to large and even the smaller species listed above may only get 12 inches but that awful large for a 29 gallon tank. also eels are messy eaters and leave tidbits around at times and for a reef tank its not something that we want unless you have the gallonage and filtration to handle the flux that will happen.


New Member
Maybe we will try our luck with one of these.
They seem reasonably priced, and yes from the picture, I
would not have known the difference unless you told me!
I am wondering if they would be compatible with a sand sifting blennie?


again not a good choice for a small tank the engineer goby will get a foot and dig the tank up. suggested size for this fish is 70 gallon or more.


If you plan to upgrade in the near future, I would get a small Snowflake Eel... JMO.


a deffinate mistake that hobbiest make is buying for a possible upgrade later. I dont ever suggest this because the upgrade may never come so many things pop up in our lifes and the tank is usually put on the back burner and the last thing to get upgraded.
thats alright prime311 its a common mistake there are very fish stores that will show you what a full grown engineer goby looks like they are gorgeous fish but get very large and dont snake around the tank they are true fish so they swim in the tank. and LOVE to dig under rocks and cause them to tople if they arent set right and put down in the sand bed resting on the glass.