Eel for new tank?


I know there would only be a few.
I used to have a snowflake eel, but i had to take my tank down now im looking for some new options.
BTW the ghost eels looks cool

salt life

Active Member
a 12" SFE can last in that size tank for like a day. I would skip on any eels, you don't have a suitable tank.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER
I had a Juvi SFE in a 30 long for a year..then when about 16" moved to a 55.
He was just fine.
juvi SFE's can be as small as 5" so if you get one that small yeah it can work for a while,but I can't imagine an eel over a foot being "fine" in a 30g tank. The waste an eel produces is not worth adding one until you have a bigger tank, and in that small of a tank he will most likely eat the other fish you put in.


New Member
hi, i have 10'' SNE and a 2-3'' porcupine puffer both in a standard 20g. Is it crucial to get a bigger tank now or just a year? If yes, what size do you recommend just for the 2?

small triggers

Active Member
personally, i would make the jump to a 55g as soon as you can. A 20g isnt really good for anything that is going to be a messy eater. Though the eel isnt big yet, he is going to make one heck of a mess eating and I'm assuming you dont have a great filtration system in that small of a tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gouchemonster
hi, i have 10'' SNE and a 2-3'' porcupine puffer both in a standard 20g. Is it crucial to get a bigger tank now or just a year? If yes, what size do you recommend just for the 2?
depends on how many tanks you intend on buying by the time that puffer reaches a ft long..
i will tell you from experience that larger tanks are much easier to maintain water quality..