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hes about a foot and a half, i bought him off my fish guy, when you feed dead what do you do to heat them up, ya i put one in the microwave to see what it would do.... in one second the thing BLUE UP, it was so nasty
hes my first snake so im a noob when it comes to these things, thanks for the help
i coulda guess that would happen.. well (i might get flamed for this) i put the mice on their heat rocks, and then set it in another 10 gallon tank along with the snake, then just put the 10 in my closet and comeback half an hour later.
i know heat rocks aren't advised at all.. but i set them under the actual tank, making that part about 80 degrees, and the other part about 70.. my snakes seems to enjoy it more than their heat lamps..
and again.. your snake can just decide not to eat, and even if he wants to eat will be completely fine for over a month easy, just always give him the option to eat., if he goes long, just offer him food every couple days.