eel id?



i know i asked this before with no real good conclusions but i got a better pic this time.
what kind of eel is this, i've had him for approx. 3 yrs now and its doing great.

beach bum

I can't see how big he is, but it looks eerily similar to an eel I just saw at my LFS... Gymnothorax (pretty certain about that, the dorsal fin thingy is a good giveaway) javanicus.
Does it look like this?(when your flash isn't on)
i think it is called a golden tail moray... not 100% posotive but i have dive books and charts of eels from the atlantic and carribean and ill get bakc ot you on that one.


sorry it took so long to get back to you guys, the pic from beach bum is a little different but close. its color is about the same with the flash off, a nice brownish with some yellow speckles.


its a goldentail. The pic might be making it look alittle darker. My fish store has two different variations of them. They are cool and very spendy. They wanted bewteen 200 and 300 bucks depending on which kind.
I am almost positive its a golden tail.


Active Member
That's not a goldentail, and 200-300 bucks for one is a rip-off. My lfs has had them for $75. Here is a goldentail....

is it possibly a "undulated moray" i am looking through this book i got on eels at a dive store. it says average size is 3 feet. its scientific name is Gymnothorax undulatus. the picture in this book and the pic of your eel look very similar especially the blue eyes. also not sure... but you might try to google it and see if you get more pics on it.


Active Member
Is it possible to be a chain moray???
Identification: Body and head chocale brown to blackish, with a yellow or cream-colored chainlike patter; yellow more extensive in young than in adults. Dorsal fin begins about a point in front of gill opening. Teeth molarlike in adults.
Size: to 50 cm (20 inches)
*Atlantic Coast Fishes: Peterson Field Guides