I just wanna know waht kinda eel I should get for a 55 gallon tank. Thanx. Tank mates will be yellow tang and volitan. Tang will be gone soon:nope: . Possible 120 down the road:thinking:
SFE are very colorful. But if you dont want a very common eel than i would suggest a chainlink.But thats up for you to decide....no one can force you what type to get.
Think I might go with a chainlink. Do they basically stay the same size as the snowflakes though? Wat is their temperament? Will it eat like chopped up coktail shrimp/silverisdes/brine? Thanx.
i have a snowflake and my buddy has a chainlink. we both feed ours silversides and all has gone well
mine escaped once (the first night) then i got a glass top. they are pretty cool and eat a lot. .have fun
i recommend either one
. I gotta figure out a way to keep him in though. The hang on will be gone, so all ill haveta worry about is the heater hole and the overflow. How long can they survive out of the water if they do get out, and wat r the consequences?
mine was out of the water approx 2-5 hours and i put him back in and he swam right away.. then he shed his mucas coat and everything was fine.. just a little shocked i think.. but they will get out if there is a spot
So they can survive then? thats good. The only opening is not gonna be ebough for this eel to fit through, i promise. The one at the lfs has a head that will NOT fit, lol. Are they known to like slither up into the overflow, then out from there? Maybe u can picture wat im saying.
They CAN slither up an overflow. Thats how my SFE got out. Now I installed a mesh in the inlet to stop them. My SFE would have lived, but then the Devil Cat got him, and the half that I was able to find was pretty much dead.
Dont need yer help bud. I know a good deal about eels, but watever I just asked is all i needed. So, u can just go to like a hardware store for the mesh then? That sounds good. Cats...
They just love those salty delicacies. Thanx for all of the help. The eel comes in about 2-3 weeks, cuz thats wen the 30 gallon will cycle, enabling me to put all of the little guys in with puffy. I just gotta see if hes gonna like his new tankmates.....
Yeah, I got mine from Home Depot. If you go to the screening aisle, they have some fiberglass mesh instead of metal. Where you cut the piece out from will start to fray, so put a small ball of wax on each thread to stop it. The wax will also stop it from sliding around. Good luck.
Okay, so I didnt like having to get my fingers wet wen putting the seaweed in the clip, and the clip always lost suction cuz the tang pulled real hard. Solution: I used a little statue of a turtle, tied some fishing wire around its neck, let a little line out, then attatched the other end to the clip. So, it floats freely in the water, and I can just pull it out by the string to put on the seaweed, Pure brilliance, eh?
Sorry, left one part out. The turtle sits on top of the hood, and the opening closes over the line with no prob. Left that out. I can imagine wat ud be thinking...