eel in a 55?

the unit

New Member
well thats just it i dont have anyidea...i was hoping somone could tell me what was possible to keep in a 55gal....


New Member
Just about any eel will do fine, i know the last person said nothin under 1000 gallons but its rare that they get over 7 feet in captivity, knowing this and knowing many eels like to curl up so they can protect their whole body, i would chose a chainlink, zebra, snowflake (smaller eel), or a banded, green morays get rather thick and that could be a problem in a 55.oh blue ribbon eels are sweet, take a look at those you might like them.


Active Member
DON'T get a blue ribbon! it will not eat and it will die. golden tails, snowflakes, chainlinks will all do good in a 55. green moray's get around 8' in the wild, so there is no way you could have one. you could maybe do a

the unit

New Member
i have been reading up one the ribbon so i know about their problems in tanks....i have also read up on the others that u have suggested...what about a black ridged moray? they seem really cool but cant find much ifo on the boards about them...anyone have any info...ty for the replies...


Active Member
my friend has a blue ribbon in his 100 for 2 yrs now they are hard to get to eat but his is fine, guess he is just lucky

b volitans

Most Morays are too big for most home aquariums. like others have said, they can reach lengths of 7ft or more! however, snowflake, chainlink, dragon, and Gray Morays hardly exceed 24-30 inches in length.they stay pretty small so any one of these would do great in your 55g. BUT you have to give em live Rock and keep bullies like Triggers at bay. i've seen triggers eat eels like a piece of beef jerky and i've seen them live in total harmony for many years.


New Member
I have a trigger in with my unknown eel, im starting to think its a chainlink, and they get along fine. I only hand feed my fish, It seems to make them calmer. I even fed my lionfish out of my hand. it may sound stupid but they got so used to me they'll wait in an upright position at the top of the tank for me to feed them. ive only been bit once, it was by the trigger and took a chunk out of my thumb but i wasnt paying attention and took my eye off him and he went for me.


I hate it when "hand feeding" turns into "feeding hand" ouch!!!lol <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


you cul get a green wolf eel it only gets about 12 in long it is really a dotty back but a great fish never the less