Eel in a Community tank


Active Member
I've heard agruments back and fourth stating eels and thier ability to be in a Community tank...
What are your experiences?
What are they definanlty NOT compatible with?


i have 3 morays in the same tank that get along really well together... i meen they barly leave each others side.
i'll spost some pics once i get back to my house (im at the girlies house) one is a tessalata , a zebra, and a mexican dragon.


I am intrested in this topic as well,i like the small SF but i don't want to get one if he is gonna kill or destroy the rest of my tank.Does anyone have one of them in a community tank as well?Thanks!


I have a 7" sf in my community with a 4" coral beauty and a 1 inch damsel. The only thing he bothers is my hitchhiker stars, and even when he does bother with them he doesn't catch them. I really like mine and he is very entertaining. Also him and my beauty share a cave. They swim around right next to eachother! It is pretty cool to watch. Just my 2 cents.


Do you have a top on your tank,and do you have inverts in the tank with him as well?Thanks for the reply!


they will be in a 125 by themselves.....these guys are like puppies.... they let me open there mouthes and let me touch there teeth.... they also swim to the top to get pet plus they refuse to eat live food.....i had 2 damsel in there with them and they all just hung out...... the meanest eel in the tank tassmo my tessa..... use to open his mouth to let the damsel swim through just so he would not bump into him
.... oh the tessa likes to wrap around my arm when im fixing stuff inside the tank. :jumping:


Those eels r awsome!!
I want to get some but I really don't know how to take care of them, not to mention I only have a 40 gallon tank.


Maurice I have a huge arrow crab that shows everybody who is boss if they mess, but otherwise he doesn't do anything to anybody. Also he tries to catch my hitchhiker stars but he doesn't succeed. They are great "pets", very hardy too.


most eels are very easy maintence...... in my opinion....then there are few that can give you a problem.... also someone said they have a 40 gallon tank.... in my opinion since eels oportunistic predators (meaning they eat when it is avaiable because they are so lazy)
) they dont need to move alot.....alot of people will argue all day, but i believe filtration is the most important factor in keeping any eel. You can keep in a 40 for a short time then i would upgrade to a bigger setup. As far as food with the fish eating eels i go with fresh store bought salmon and mahi mahi.... and as for invertabrate eaters.... i go with frozen squidd from the local bait shop, shrimp from publix, and crayfish of course.
as for the shrimp question here is a pic


Doc, how did you get ur eels to do that? Did it take time, or did they just do it immediatly? My new Zebra isn't really shy, he always has his head out of the PVC pipe, but he never comes out of it all the way, he does half of the way when there is food in the tank, and he eats off of the skewer.