Eel mixing ????


I was just wondering If any one had an opinion on mixing eels? i have a Zebra and a Tessalata eel in the same tank right now and they get along like best friend. i would like to add another eel, but i wondering what would mix well. the tessalata is extremely docile and so is the zebra. i know it is probably trial and error, but i would like to emlinate any loss. i was thinking of a brazilian dragon, beacuse i have seen these three mixed together at severval places without any problems. well what is everyone elses thoughts?


i see tanks all the time with them mixed. so i think ull be good. i had 2 snowflakes in the same tank.. but im only setting up my second saltwater tank now so wait for some1 else to answer.. but i seen tanks full of eels


i agree with mike....i have never had eels personally, but i have seen tanks with at least 5 or six in them in one of my lfs. they just swin around through the rocks peacefully. but i would wait until you hear from someone with more actual experience with eels before doing anything.


thanks for replying guys, just wanted to say if your not careful though, the eels will beat each other down. i watched a green moray tear the skull off a goldentail moray. then in other intences i see them coexist fine. i meen there always is a risk introducing different livestock into a system, but im trying to minamize.... you know


Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
i watched a green moray tear the skull off a goldentail moray.
holy cow that must have been incredible to watch! poor goldentail!! yeah they are very aggressive fish, so it wouldnt surprise me if something like that happened. IMO if you kept them well fed and stress free as possible that shouldnt happen. oh what is your tank size? im sure the bigger and more room they have to spread out the better :yes:


yeah thats crazy about the green moray, listen to this the local fish store had these 2 eels together for months right and finally the green moray just snapped and mauled the golden tail. well the funny thing is the thing is missying half of his head, a good part of his dorsal and anal fins, and his gill hole is ripped all the way back to his mouth, but get this the thing moves around and eats perfectly! the guy at the store proved it to me! also the guy left the golden tail in the same tank as the green moray.......wierd!!!! welll when i went back last weekend to look at the dragon eel....... he moved into a different tank becausethe green moray decide to make the eel tail look like a tang's tail (he split in 2), but the funny thing is the poor Ba$tard was scabbing up and healing fast. crazy huh ......


Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
I was just wondering If any one had an opinion on mixing eels? i have a Zebra and a Tessalata eel in the same tank right now and they get along like best friend. i would like to add another eel, but i wondering what would mix well. the tessalata is extremely docile and so is the zebra. i know it is probably trial and error, but i would like to emlinate any loss. i was thinking of a brazilian dragon, beacuse i have seen these three mixed together at severval places without any problems. well what is everyone elses thoughts?
So long as the new eel isn't "bite size" it should be fine. :yes:


Active Member
i had a snowflake eel and a banded moray and when ever feeding time came they fought and they would fight all night too. one jumped out of the tank and the other one i brought back to the lfsbeacouse it ate my female clown that was part of a breeding pair they laid eggs then that night the eel ate her:(
i might just have ended up with mean eels.


New Member
hey doc-
I posted a reply to a guy that said he was selling his 45 bow tank in charlotte. Can you tell me if you (or your friend you said you had in charlotte) got it. Im just wondering if the set- up is sold or if this guy has fallen off the face of the earth.
Thanks for any help.


Hey mike..... i was reeding you have been in this hobby for quite some time and i was wanting to ask you a question about the eel i am getting ready to put into my tank..... well i already have a tessa and a zebra in there that wind around each other and get along like pees and carrots respectivly. I really liked this mexican dragon eel (Muraena retifera ) and i am picking him up this saturday, but he seems quite aggresive (which most eels are) and i am wondering what would be the best way to introduce him to the other 2 with out the other getting pissed. I am hoping since all have differrent genus's the zebra (gymnomuraena), the tessa (Gymnothorax), and the mexican dragon (Muraena) would be able to go exist without to much territorality. well your thoughts..... :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


New Member
sorry....i really dont have enough experience with eels to give you a good answer on that. My fiancee has always thought they looked to evil for me to get into them.