Eel quastion


Active Member
Im thinking of puting a snowflake eel in my 30 gallon with about 25 lbs of live rock. Can I do that? The tank has not been set up yet. I understand they are ecscape artist. so II will cover my tank well if I can get one. So, can I get one for my 30 gallon?


I`m Sorry walleye, for a sfe when very small as a young juvenile moray is one thing , but as an adult eel, the sfe will require a tank not smaller then a 75 gallon tank with a number of other inhabitants.


i have had mine for 4 years and he is only 16 inches long. i started him in a 29 gallon and move him to a 55 gallon. i had him in with a toad fish and a cockatoo wasp fish. they all got along fine.


i have my sfe in a 55g since october of 2007 and i got him when he was like 4-5 inches. now he is like 15 inches. you could keep a snowflake eel in a 30 gallon but just know they grow fast.


i have had a sfe for six years in my 75 gallon and he is 2 feet long and has a big appitite i have to feed him a full shrimp every other day. they are hard work they also like to knock down live rock. My sfe is very reef safe to i have him with a couple corals