Eel question


I'm thinking about buying an eel. I have a 48" long 55 gallon tank so I was thinking maybe snowflake or ghost eel. The questions that I was hoping somebody would answer are, would either of these eels be a bad choice for a 55 gallon tank?? Would the eel eat my shrimp or snails?? I currently have 2 clown fish and I want to get a six line wrasse, hawk fish, cardinal. Would an eel do alright with these kinds of fish? Also I have a hang on filter and protein skimmer, would this be a problem considering that eels are good at escaping aquariums?? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
Yes, eels are excellent escape artists. Snowflakes will eat what they can fit in their mouth. This would likely include shrimp, small clowns, and any other small fish....If you want something that looks like an eel, you should get a couple of Engineer Goby's. Look like an eel without the aggression or escape skills.


You could get a Golden Dwarf Moray if you feel like dropping a couple hundred and can find one for sale. They are "reef safe" and will leave most inverts alone.