EEl question


I have a small 8" snowflake eel,It has been it QT for several weeks and is eating very well.The only concern I have is my 8" Lion fish.I want to put my eel in the 125 with the lion and other fish.The lion does not eat any live food and does not bother my tangs or angel. Has anyone had a problem putting a small eel with lions.I am afraid of putting him in only to be sucked up for dinner. He is about 8" long but not very fat. Any help would be great. Thanks...


should be fine...lions are not actually aggressive. they will eat smaller fish if they fit in thier mouths but i've never heard of them going after eels...just make sure there is plenty of lr for the sfe to hide in...


Although the eel SHOULD be safe, the very small size makes it likely the lion won't view him as an eel....make sure you have LOTS of LR for the eel to remain completely hidden in and keep both fairly well fed.
We have 3 volitans and a russeli lion in with our SFE, but then again, Lover (hey, he's A'more') is almost 3 feet long.
I have both a volitan and SFE, they ignore each other. Of course the eel is now much bigger than the lion...the lion didnt bother the eel when there was a tiny one either.