Eel Tank


Tankmates for sfe's-
No gobies, dottybacks, basslets, or blennies or any other small eel like creatures.
My sfe eel ate 2 convict gobys, and just this saturday my day old neon dottyback. It swim near it and It grab it and flew in its cave.
Angles, bigger pygmy angels, butterflies, bigger clowns, triggers, basses, tangs.



Originally posted by Sharkboy97
If it is solid yellow than yeah. how big do they get, what size tank should they be in and would it be ok with an sfe, and what about filtration

Is it a Yellow Headed Moray? I think i know what yur talking about. I have seen one that is Bright yellow. Unfortunately it was HUGE. I saw it at the boston Aquarium. It didnt swim out a lot but It looke to be at least 4 ffeet


well the sfe is doin great i upgraded the filtration and set up another 20 gallon tank right nowit is cycling. I have a couple of questions though how long could a jewled morey be kept in a 20 the tank has 30 pounds of live rock and will a mantis shrimp harm my eel because in the newly set up tank i saw one
here is the list of the newly set up tanks filtration
peguin 200 bio wheel power filter rated 50 gal filters 200gph
2 aquaclear 301 powerheads
i would like to put a jewled morey in there, but unless it could stay in there for awhile then no. My pet store also has a fimbriated eel would that do better in a 20 gal. they also have a fire coral eel
so in a 20 what would be able to stay in it the longest a fire coral eel, fimbriated eel, jewled morey


mantis will probably get eaten by a snowflake. The jeweled will get to big. I saw one in the wild that was 3+ feet and bigger then a softball girth wise. Although stunning, it needs a bigger tank. At the Waikiki aquarium they have a snake eel, zebra, and a snowflake in roughly a 100 gallon (probably smaller) they are all about full grown, and have been in that tnak for a long long time. A snowflake will be OK in the 20 gallon for 8 or so months. I had mine in a 55 til he was about 20 inches then moved him into a 110-hes now full grown. Although they don't need that big of tank because they arn't that active, i wanted to keep him happy.
About snowflakes eating fish... it is possible, however mine (at full grown) has never eaten a tank mate. He has been with green chromis to blue damsels and hasn't even looked twice at them. During feeding, he distinguishes them from food. I agree with no gobies and blennies because they are bottom fish.
In a 75 a snowflake and a banana would do fine. Although i wouldn't add anything else. No tangs, maybe a dwarf angel or a small puffer. Again snake eels get large and so do zebras and chainlinks. A 4 foot tank when the eel is 3 feet wouldn't work out to well IMO.
Good luck!