Eel with scrapes


What would a scrape look like on an eel? I know what a scrape would look like a person but no so much on a fish. My eel has a few white marks on him though that almost look like chalk that are on one section of his body on both sides of him. I feel like he probably tried to squeeze himself through a rock and scraped himself, hence it being on both sides. He's been eating fine and is active, but I wanted to make sure it's not some disease that I've overlooked. Thanks.



I was worried it was ich at first, but it's completely flat and I've already done hypo on these fish before. They aren't that fluorescent looking either, I accidentally left the flash one for that picture but unfortunately that's the best one I could get of it.


as a rule of thumb im pretty sure eels dont get ich very often, not sure though I could be wrong. Look like a cut to me, it should be fine


Yeah I think it was just a scrape because it's on both sides of him and has been closing up since i posted that thread.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
That is not ich. It looks like a scrape to me. Are the scales missing?
That's what it looks like. It's not really that white looking in real life, its just that he was right in front of the flash. It's kinda filling in though and doesn't look half as bad now, which makes me think it was a scrape because he likes to squeeze himself in between the rocks a lot.


Originally Posted by jag2232
That's what it looks like. It's not really that white looking in real life, its just that he was right in front of the flash. It's kinda filling in though and doesn't look half as bad now, which makes me think it was a scrape because he likes to squeeze himself in between the rocks a lot.
If it is filling in then he is on the mend. I wouldn't worry about it. Scrapes can get infected sometimes but this doesn't look like it is. You would know because it would get red and a little puffy. I am glad that he is doing better!


It happens, my snowflake only has one eye!...We rescued him from the fish store.... he's like 4 times the size now!