
salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by LordLion
Is it true that snowflake eels will climb out of there tank if you have lights without a cover

i dont get what you mean if you have lights without a cover? SFE along with any other eel will jump out of the tank if stressed and can't find a place to call home in the tank and will definetly jump with no lid on the tank. they can get through small holes too


my moray has only jumped once, and that was when i took him out and put him in a small container to try and catch another fish, other than that, i have no lid on the tank and hes happy
i have been looking at getting a lid though just in case, but eels in general have been known to jump and they can survive outside of water for a bit, so dont freak

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by LordLion
crap i really like eels
get egg crate to use for your lid, it cost like 12 bucks at home depot. just cut it to fit the openings and then cut the front so you can stick your hand in and zip tie the piece you cut to the back piece. like a glass lid is.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
get egg crate to use for your lid, it cost like 12 bucks at home depot. just cut it to fit the openings and then cut the front so you can stick your hand in and zip tie the piece you cut to the back piece. like a glass lid is.
make sure the holes arent bigger than your eels head.. pretty much anything your eel can get its head into its body can follow. Ours got into our overflow system and we still cant figure out how it did it. A glass top is cheap enough, i would just invest in one and be safe then sorry...


Active Member
Eels usually jump out when they don't feel safe in the tank, give them proper hiding places and keep them fed and I doubt theyll ever try to leave the tank.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
make sure the holes arent bigger than your eels head.. pretty much anything your eel can get its head into its body can follow. Ours got into our overflow system and we still cant figure out how it did it. A glass top is cheap enough, i would just invest in one and be safe then sorry...
Some people dont like glass tops. Mostly reef people due the light reflecting and it losing some power. This may or may not be the case. Egg crates are great alternative.

w glint

I'll throw in my 2 cents: Before i bought my first SFE, i did a ton of reading on them and new they were jumpers, so before i got him and set up his new tank in my system, i sealed off all the holes, put screen in my HOB filter intake and outputs, and ductaped the glass top down every were but one spot that would serve as my access point, with a weight on top. Confident that i had the tank secure, i had it ready to go inline with my other tanks, and everything was good so i brought him home. After a week or normal life, he ate on the first day i got him, and did so like a little pig, i woke up for a 8am class and found him dried up on my entry way tile. i was baffled as how i could have been so stupid, and i had to figure out how he got out. turns out there was a small gap, around a eighth of an inch under the U tube connect to the intake where the filter didnt make a perfect seal with the edge of the tank. Needless to say that hole was patched and after the addition of the next eel, that i still have to this day, i woke up every few hours the week after i got him out of total paranoia. They really are the Houdini's of the saltwater tank.


Another option it to make a screen for the top also... if you know how to make a screen for a window its exactly the same, you just have to make sure to get vinyl instead of metal edging...


OH HAHAHAH, thanks... didnt look at the OP before the one before me,,, was just in the new stuff, lol