eels and ick


can eels get ick, probely done question but I thought i read some place that since they have a slimy skin extiorier, this could just be ignorance but I figured some one had to ask the dumb questions around here..!!
I have heard that moray eels don't get ick. But I am not really sure. I have never had one in a tank that got ick. I hope I never do.


Active Member
From what I remeber it's possible, but very unlikely. Eeels are considerably more hardy than fish, and have a thicker slime coat, that helps protect them.


No they cant. My eel was in an ick infested tank and he never got it. I do believe it has something to do with their skin thats different from a fish's. Ick cant stay attached to it or something like that.


so when I Q/T my fish I can leave my eel in my tank while all the other fish stay out for 30 days and the ick will all die from my tank so i wont have to worry about it.?


I personaly will think its ok. Maybe a shark can 100% verify this. Iv had no problems doing it with mine.


thanks, cuss im really getting tired of my fish getting ick, they look sad and angry when they ich themselfs agianst the rock... I want to bring home more fish but cant since I know they will all get infected:mad:


Active Member
I would remove the eel to be on the safe side. Although I've never seen an eel with ich, I've heard that they can be a carrier. Try posting this question in the disease forum, and see what Beth, or TerryB have to say about it.


yes i would get the eel out of there just to be on the safe side , and i would change something about your tank if you kep getting eek, take them all out brake your tank down and try again:(



Originally posted by StacyT
I would remove the eel to be on the safe side. Although I've never seen an eel with ich, I've heard that they can be a carrier. Try posting this question in the disease forum, and see what Beth, or TerryB have to say about it.

Ditto eel was in an ich infested tank twice and came out fine both time.Unfortunatley he suicided himself.