Eels and Overflows


Active Member
Got a bit of a problem that I'm sure some of you have experienced, and hopefully have solved:
I keep 3 morays in my AGA 125 RR. No problems with any aggression and they will even share holes from time to time.
But, I've found my zebra moray in the overflows twice now. One on each side of the tank. I'm hoping he has learned that going "there" is not a good thing since he's experienced both sides. However, I'd like to make sure he can't get back in.
Has anyone created something to keep them from getting into the overflows? It's not much space, but as you know, they don't need much. The lids are weighted down so he's not pushing the glass up, just squeezing inbetween the glass and the overflow.


Active Member
I used to have the same problem with my banded moray. I've had him in the overflow twice. I have CPR overflow boxes... they come with little plastic, mesh strips that go in the opening to keep fish out. Since I added the strip, I haven't had any problems. I'll try to find a pic of them on-line, or snap a pic of mine from one of my tanks. I'm not sure if it's the kind of thing you can special order from CPR, but I'd imagine that you could make something like it.


Active Member
Jackson, that would be great. Even a shot of yours may give me an idea of something I can craft myself.


Active Member
Sorry I didn't get a pic of one last night for you... it was a crazy night around the house. I should be able to get one for you tonight though.


Active Member
Here are a few pics... they aren't great, so if they don't help you much, let me know, I can snap some more (i.e. better ones) over the weekend.

It's called plastic canvas and it works great. You may have to sew it on with fishing line or something similar as mine was able to get around it until I did so.


Active Member
Great idea. In fact I have some of that stuff in the garage that I used to keep my dog out of a drain opening. Found the zebra back in the overflow last night again.
Looks like I found my weekend project.
Thanks a bunch!