Originally Posted by salt210 http:///forum/post/2552920
How do your eels react to the powerheads in your tanks? Mine keeps trying to bite them. I know that its vision is bad, but wouldnt it learn?
You may have food on it ?
mine never goes near them anymore, cuz once i was feeding it, and it went near a powerhead(seio 1500) and then it got stuck on the intake. it scared the crap out of both of us. now, it never goes near them.
Originally Posted by salt210 http:///forum/post/2552920
How do your eels react to the powerheads in your tanks? Mine keeps trying to bite them. I know that its vision is bad, but wouldnt it learn?
Mine sticks it head out of the rocks and puts his face right in the flow of my powerheads , and when feeding if a piece of food gets stuck to the powerhead he goes over and eats it off.. never got stuck in it tho,, i have koralia 3's...
Teething? lololol
No, In all seriousness, I have no clue. It could be a multitude of things, the most plausible is that when he swims by the power head, it annoys him and he trys to kill it. As far as learning from his past experiences, I don't know. Maybe he likes the feeling of the power head in his mouth? maybe hes trying to pass food items down his belly more. I know when My eels bites off more than he can chew, he has to inhale LOTS of water, close his mouth and force it threw his body to get the food down. He mite be opening his mouth in the powerhead to help him process food. All of these are plausible, except maybe...for teething.