Shark boy:
Any time there is the word 'golden' in the name of an eel, you have to be careful. So many LFS, as well as websites, mix up these various eels. The three main types that seem to be confused are
1. The golden tail moray, which is just like it sounds. Not extremely expensive but still a little large.
2. The golden moray, which can get quite large and needs a large aquarium.
3. The golden dwarf moray (gymnothorax melatremus, I think I spelled it correctly). These guys stay under 10 inches at the biggest and are quite expensive.
As far as sources, this site has a 'banana eel', which is used to name both the golden and golden dwarf eel at times, don't ask me why. However, I have talked to them and it is actually the larger golden moray. The actual golden dwarf I know for a fact is sold on and is also sold I believe on, but in either case there is likely to be a waiting list. I would love nothing more than to have a golden dwarf moray.
You need to ask your LFS what the maximum size on that eel is and if its is indeed gymnothorax melatremus because both the golden and golden dwarf are pricey and...obviously...golden. Best of luck. If you ever get one, tell us about it.