Eels in a 46 gal


Active Member
Hi. I was wondering if there were any eels that I could keep in my 46 gal tank. Also Are they ok with lionfish? I wouldn't do it for a while but I was curious. My dad wants an eel but we have a reef and I know they can't be kept in reef tanks with small fish. Thanks in advance.



Active Member
you could keep a Snowflake Eel or maybe a zebra, the snowflake will be much more active though. They will be fine in reef tanks however they will eat your inverts such as crabs, shrimp etc...


Active Member
Thanks forthe reply Drewsta. I was looking at the snowflake just wasn't sure about the tank size.


Active Member
Sorry to say, but I STRONGLY disagree with Drewsta.
There's just no way to keep an Eel (SFE), that will max out at 3'+, in a tank that small.


if you want to spend alot of money try golden dwarf eel they are very small


Active Member
No I don't want to spend a lot of money so I would get the SFE. I will just wait until I get through college and set up a 240+ and maybe get one then.


Active Member
the min requirment tank size is 55 gal for a SFE . SFE's are not always active species depending on how well its kept fed .this goes with alot of the eel could keep a SFE in a 46 as long as its 48 in tank for a very long time this species grows to
39.37 inches in the wild they spend most of their time hiding under rocks . for more more info on this species check out this site for info on other species here is a listing


Active Member
IMO you would be fine with a sfe in a 46 for along time I have had mine for 11months he was about 8 inches when I got him now hes about 13 I feed every 2 days and he just chills under a rock until feeding time but he is pretty tame around my other fish. So I think you would be fine for a good while