Originally Posted by team2jndd
Its the closest one and they have a good selection. I dont think it will be too much because I run it with a 38 gallon refugium and its only four fish.
I don't want you to feel attacked in any way and that is definitely not what I will do but I wanted to caution you. You are right that the refugium helps to increase your water volume and will help to dilute fish waste and keep your system stable. The thing is, it doesn't increase your swimming room for these fish, which is the hard part. The way I look at it when trying to figure out if our system can handle a fish is I just look at our display tank size as that is where the fish will live. I look at the refugium as a tool to make my life easier by keeping my tank more stable. Also, I know its hard but even though you will technically only have 4 fish in your tank, they are very large fish and from what I understand, eels tend to be very messy and produce a lot of waste. It is awesome that you will be upgrading and your fish will love "spreading their fins" and will make an awesome display for you as well. Just wanted to caution you about the above but truly it is your choice. Also, I think Jcrim was just cautioning you as well to be warey of the LFS. There are so many that are just after our beloved buck and don't really care about their livestock so we have come to mistrust many of them. Good luck and definitely be ready to show us tons of pics of the 220 when it is up and running this summer. Rhonda