Eels in a Reef??


I kept a Mexican dragon eel in my 55 reef for awhile i made it and aggressive reef which in my opion is the best i am currently setting up another aggressive reef and plan on having and eel mine never intintionallly did anything to the corals but when it decided to go swimming it would hit them


Active Member
i have a snowflake in with mushrooms and zoos I also have a couple of snails in there and three cleaner shrimp. One of the cleaner shrimp hides under the whole the eel lives in and i see him cleaning it.


Active Member
my snowflake is going to my reef as soon as he gets fat enough so he doesnt fit through the holes of the eggcrate


Active Member
i have a long white ribbon eel in my reef had him for over 2 years now only thing is he can knock stuff over so u have to have it mounted well
heres a pic from like a month ago tanks a lil rearranged now but as u can see hes stickin his head out


Active Member
Hi murph. Do not wish to jump into another persons thread but it could help me out?
Could you reply on my thread and tell me what else you have, cleaning crew and other fish etc?
I am also reading this thread to maybe help me out.