

What fish if any are safe with an eel. I do not want a snowflake eel. My tank is 120 gallons.:notsure:


you can get a zebra eel if oyu dont have any inverts and then you could put almost anyfish you want with him


Active Member
It depends on the overall nature of the certain specimen. Some will be very nice, some can be really mean. Youll just hafta try it out for yerself. BUT, eels are mostly good with any fish that wont look like food or fit in its mouth. Aggressive fish, tangs, some large angels (no dwarfs). NO gobies, lol, unless they are really good at hiding, but even that is riskay.


zebra moray's won't harm any of your tank mates. I have one and it is the kindest fish in the tank. He is wonderful, and I would highly recommend him.


How about a Banana eel. I saw one at my LFS, God is it Gorgeous. But quite Pricey. $200. I dont know if he'd get along with my Snowflake though.


Active Member
Basically, any of the echidna or or gymnomuraena eels would be fine. The key for selection is the rounded molar-like teeth that they possess. They are used for eating invertibrates and bivalves, etc. Any of the other eels have pointed fish-grabbing teeth with the attitudes to match. I myself have a Zebra in excess of 30" now and I have found him to be exceptionally passive. There should be more than enough selection in the two families above to suit you.


Active Member
Speaking of eel-like engineer gobies, I'd advise strongly against getting one. Engineer gobies get large pretty fast, and they plague nitrate levels of tanks. My engineer goby became 10 inches long and has dug up over 80% of my tank. He digs so much my LR structures shift by inches, he has built 8" piles of LS, and he has built piles of sand right into filters and powerheads, messing up both. He has covered the bottom of my heater so much I had to move it twice. And worst of all, he destroys the point of having a sand bed. By having 80% of the sand churned up every week or so it decimates the denitrification properties of the sand bed, and it also releases toxins from the lower sand bed back into the tank. Even with meticulous care in my first tank, my nitrate levels have never been under control, courtesy of my friend the engineer goby.
But, he does look like an eel:


Nice lookin eel and Goby :happy: too bad they mess wit the tank so much



Originally posted by MorayM
Speaking of eel-like engineer gobies, I'd advise strongly against getting one. Engineer gobies get large pretty fast, and they plague nitrate levels of tanks. My engineer goby became 10 inches long and has dug up over 80% of my tank. He digs so much my LR structures shift by inches, he has built 8" piles of LS, and he has built piles of sand right into filters and powerheads, messing up both. He has covered the bottom of my heater so much I had to move it twice. And worst of all, he destroys the point of having a sand bed. By having 80% of the sand churned up every week or so it decimates the denitrification properties of the sand bed, and it also releases toxins from the lower sand bed back into the tank. Even with meticulous care in my first tank, my nitrate levels have never been under control, courtesy of my friend the engineer goby.
But, he does look like an eel:

Soooo, what exactly are you trying to say?? Nah, I'm kiddin'..
But thank God you posted that stuff, cause I was starting to get all starry eyed when I saw the pics... But you brought me back down to reality real quick!!!


Active Member
What i'm saying Tizzo is that my engineer goby is always available to a good home...soooo...if you want one....