

what is the min. tank size for an eel. could i have one in a 45?????? do they eat other fish???? any info would be great!
flame :D


you could have something like a blue ribbon eel which are great to watch and really nice if they eat well for you but something like a true moray would outgrow that size tank ... u should be able to get away with a banded moray or chainlink for a long time if you want a true gymnothorax


I actually asked that question sometime ago and you can keep something simple like a Snowflake Eel in a thirty gallon tank with great success.


Snowflake Morey* I'm also looking for info on these eels and am thinking about keeping one in a 29 gallon tank. Would it be ok in a reef tank? I heard they might eat your fish, unless you feed them good. I saw one at ***** for 18$. It was cool. They are colorful, and active. Their where two damsels hanging out with it when I went to the store. It looks o.k., but I don't know about inverts. I heard a story of one jumping out of a tank...
More info would be nice...
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