Sounds pretty good so far, but there are a couple things in my tank I might worry about. I have 2 maroon clowns, one would probably be fine, but the other lies on its side sometimes. There are also some chromis's I have. They can probably defend themselves. They just attacked my hand when I was putting in a piece of dead coral as decor! There is a lettuce nudibranch, around an inch or 2 long. So far, everything else is okay with him. I have a yellow tang, it will be fine. There are also 2 peppermint shrimp, I'm not too concerned about them. Ones 1.5 inches long and the other around 2.5 inches. The last things are a sand sifting star, which I may get rid of anyway, hermit crabs, and a mandarin dragonet who so far has defended himself nicely against occaisional chromis attacks.