

I'm looking to get an eel for my reef tank, and I'm thinking either a ghost eel, SFE, or a spaghetti eel. I've heard people who had SFE's that were extremely docile, and also ones that were very agressive. Ghosts ive heard are pretty good. Any ideas?


I've had a SFE and a Zebra...the SFE is no longer with us, but I've had the Zebra for about a year's the most docile creature in the tank.....beautiful too

67 demon

I have a Ghost and have had it for about 9 months or so. It also is the most docile animal in my tank. If you have any specific questions about the Ghost, I'd be glad to help in any way i can.


not to intrude, but how big of a tank must you have to house either a sfe or zebra? any problems with them escaping an uncovered aquarium?


Active Member
my sfe jumped out of my 90 gallon one time .. he was in a feeding frenzy and all excited and I tried to walk away from the tank and the eel decided to jump after me .. the following weekend I went out and bought a glass cover .. but yeah .. I put him back in the tank the second he jumped and he hid in the rock the rest of the night but then the next day he was back to normal ..

67 demon

Originally Posted by derf
67 demon, what do you have in your tank?
Ghost Eel
Coral Beauty
Dragon Goby
Chocolate Tang
Volitans Lion
Valentini Puffer
Turbo Snails
(2) Chocolate Chip Stars


Are ghosts reef-safe? I mean in terms of coral and inverts. And anyone have experience with a spaghetti eel?

67 demon

Originally Posted by derf
Are ghosts reef-safe? I mean in terms of coral and inverts. And anyone have experience with a spaghetti eel?
From what i have read about the Ghost, they "can be housed with some invertebrates, like anemones and corals, but not crustaceans." Hope that helps.

67 demon

Originally Posted by derf
has it ever attacked the snails or goby?
My Ghost??? Oh no. It has never attacked anything in my tank. Even when my Valentini was very small and my eel was about 14 inches or so, it never attacked.


Sounds pretty good so far, but there are a couple things in my tank I might worry about. I have 2 maroon clowns, one would probably be fine, but the other lies on its side sometimes. There are also some chromis's I have. They can probably defend themselves. They just attacked my hand when I was putting in a piece of dead coral as decor! There is a lettuce nudibranch, around an inch or 2 long. So far, everything else is okay with him. I have a yellow tang, it will be fine. There are also 2 peppermint shrimp, I'm not too concerned about them. Ones 1.5 inches long and the other around 2.5 inches. The last things are a sand sifting star, which I may get rid of anyway, hermit crabs, and a mandarin dragonet who so far has defended himself nicely against occaisional chromis attacks.


Active Member
As far as sfe goes, I don't know how much you know, so I'll tell you the info that I've come up with.
I've heard many people say they are the most docile, but I've also heard they range a lot in personality. I just bought one and he's around 6". I wouldn't want to say anything abouty his personality because he's too young give a reliable personality reading for when he's older.
The miniumum tank size would probably be 40 g but that is really if they are the only fish in there. I have one in a 55 g and most people would say a 90 g would absolutely fit one.
They are mostly blind so they need to be spot fed and they feed primarily on crustceans (shrimp, scallops, etc). They shouldn't go after fish unless they are really hungry, or the accidentally bite them while trying to find their food.
Personally I love their coloring and shape and that is why I chose them, along w/the fact that they are supposed to be fairly peaceful.


Well, my LFS just got a snowflake moray, around 6" long and 1/2" thick. Looks great and healthy and is eating. Anyone think this would do good with the stuff in my last post? I have a quarantine I could put stuff in to wait for it to get bigger.


Active Member
That's the exact size of mine and he doesn't even look at the ocellaris clowns in my tanks, so it should be fine to just put him in. They don't even need quarantine because they don't have scales and they have a think slime coat that protects them.


i have a 13" SFE he is so docile (except when its dinner time), my blue damsel is even tougher then he is. When ever he comes close to my damsels they flair their fins and smack him around with their tails. He is such a pushover. But I love him, he's just lie a dog.


So, the clowns and chromis's will be okay, along with the snails, my tang, and goby.The goby and chromis's are the most aggressive things in the tank. What about a mandarin dragonet,which is around 2"-3" long, hermits, and a lettuce nudibranch around 2 1/2" long? I might be able to go get it today depending on if it's okay with these.