

Hi, what would be the smallest tank to house 2 eels, they would be a chainlink and a snowflake(both small). Would it even work to have 2 different eels in one tank? O ya, the tank would have a lot of lr.


Active Member
usually, you dont mix 2 eels, because they are cannabalistic. if you want to try it, i would say a 75 with lots of rockwork and places to hide. bo


The tank will be a 300 gallon, the eels would be around 12 or 13 in. Would it work in that size tank?


Active Member
Hi there, we have 2 snowflake eels in a 200 gal, so far so good, one is 22-24in and the other is about the size of a pencil. The baby one was going into our 72gal. but we couldn't find him when we putour big one in, we thought he went into the over flow again, when we checked he was not in there, at feeding time he popped his head out of the sand, I've tried to catch him but it always turns into a disaster, so for now he stays. Now, I'm not by NO means saying this is going to work, I'm simply saying as of yet we haven't had a problem. Please becareful with whatever you choose to do. Lisa


Ya thats what I was gonna do, one pile at the back corner of one tank, then one pile on the other back corner, so they don't fight that much(hope they don't). :)


With the two snowflakes I think you chances are better, as far as being successful goes. But a chainlink and a snowflake may be harder to do due to the difference of specimens. I tried to add a zebra with my snowflake once and it became a nightmare the first day. My snowflake was 1/2 the zebra's size but still tore into him. He had smaller crevices to go into and the zebra couldn't get him. I had to take the zebra back to the lfs. Of course I didn't tell them he had been biten into a few times. The snowflakes mouth just opened up like a snakes and was doing some serious biting. If you are however going to try this, I'd say you have an advantage in that it's a large tank and you still have the chance to add them in at the same time. Do not put one in there first and buy the other later. Eels are perhaps one of the most territorial SWF out there.
P.S. You could get PVC pipe and put some in but I personally find that a bit tacky. I would just put plenty of lr in a couple of different locations and hope they both nest at a different location. With plenty of lr you create the same type of safety a pvc pipe does. If you have a 300 gal then get at least a 100lbs of lr for the 2 eels. Then again that's just what I'd do. HTH


Well, wish me luck. I just bought a snowflake eel about the same size as the chainlink, he's goin in my 250. God, I hope this works, it will be awesome with 2 eels in the same tank. :)


It's been about an hour and everything is good! The chainlink saw the snowflake and then just turned around. They like eatchother! I'm working on a website now, and i'm going to post some pics of them together. This is awesome! :D


i had a 110 with about 15 eels in it and it worked out great for close to a year until i took the tank down for a reef although im not saying it will work for you here are my suggestions from personal experience... a lot of live rock with pvc hidden amongst it with artificial caves of broken coral also make sure they are well fed and what i did was feed them individually with a plastic prong which you can get at most stores for feeding eels this way you know they are all eating well .. this system worked for green morays - golden morays - blue ribbon eels for a long time and worked amazing and looked great


i understand i got lucky but i also knew the eels whether you realize it or not they all have their own personalities which you really dont see in fish but in eels you can also as long as you keep them well fed you shouldnt have many problems and you can usually see if there are any fights before they get serious and seperate one or just add more rock and confuse them into forgetting there problems...2 in a 65 shouldnt be a problem as long as the size is good for the tank


Ok, I finally found out(with mr.saltys help) :) . The snowflake is to the right, and the chainlink is blended in sort of in the middle. Here it is: :D


Man, I wish it would of worked, you'll just have to wait till I get my web site up. Sorry I posted so much, just wanted to see if it would work.