
b volitans

Help me out!I have recently purchased a 75G tank and want an eel badly. i like the Snowflake eel as well as the Chain eel, BUT my favorite is the Red sea Gray Eel(Siderea grisea) it's an off-white eel with very small black spots on its head. I really want this eel but i can't for the life of me, find ANY dealer both in my hometown STL or on the internet. So if anyone could tell me where to get one of these Red sea beauties, I would Be greatly appreciated. :)


New Member
aquacon, look up that im not sure, i think the websit is but if not just go to and look up aquacon it should show up, they have them there


New Member
i dont know how pet stores are in st louis but my local fish stores in chicago will order anything you want. I know its about 4-5 hour drive to st.louis to chicago, if you get desperate you can call stores in the chicago land area that will order you one.