effects of adding sand in place of CC....read what I experienced today.

I added sand to replace my CC about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have not done any siphoning or stiring of the sand. After starting a new tank, I wanted to put in a little of my 2 1/2 week old seeded sand to the new tank to get it going with growth. When I scooped up a layer of the seeded sand, the blue sand/sewage smell emerged from underneath. Is this normal? I am now fearing I have disturbed some toxic chemicals to my established tank. I would love any advice on this.
I actually only probably scooped up about 3 tablespoons of sand. It was a relatively small area in cpomparison to the area of the tank floor. Should I still do such a major water change? I have never done the sand bed thing, so was unsure if what I saw was normal. I will just let it all sit and take its course. Any other suggestions?


Hi i've found same thing i bought some stuff on line wont say where and when i got it some of it had that smell. Did'nt know any better so put it in tank then month later removed a dead piece of rock that was base rock and it stunk. scrubbed a little,waterchange another month or so had rock with polypes with furry algae type stuff on it took it out it stunk scrubbed with tooth brush. foam on protien skimmer stunk cleaned hot water. still smells a little but i think it works its way out as long as you "faithfully" do water changes and control problem areas just look at rocks for thicker peatmoss looking stuff,smell and scrub a little dont do anything too drastic nature should take care of the rest providing every water tests properly. Oh yeah tried poly ox before that on polype rock,did'nt work last resort was scrubbing with tooth brush in "bowl" NOT INTO TANK i hope this helps,never lost fish just stinks. keep on smelling stuff in tank,rocks filter media and remove. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />

mr . salty

Active Member
FishDude,,I wouldn't do a water change unless the readings (ammo and nitrates) are REALLY REALLY HIGH.You also said that this tank is only a couple weeks old.If so,then it may still be cycling in which case this smell may be normal,and water changes will disrupt this cycle...And I don't understand how that advise was given without even asking what these readings are...What are the readings???


Active Member
Also, did not I reply to you about that time that you replaced your cc and you said that you put a layer of new sand in, then a layer of old cc, then a layer of sand on top?
I asked why you did this?
I think your reply was that: "it was just a small amount of cc"?
This may be a crutial factor in why you are getting these results? ;)


I got my DSB of Aragonite from a guy who was tearing down 2 large tanks. It took us 2 hours to scoop it all out, and it smelled like the beach at low tide.
Now a month later it's bustling with life, bubbles, algae, you name it.
Let nature take its course, you'll be fine. The top layer will be disturbed continually, but it's the middle and bottom you want to be careful with.
And what about, "no water changes until cycling is done?"
FWIW, IMO, etc.