Efficiency of Seq Dart pump on 210G


Please be patient with me, since I'm probably going to be asking a lot of questions. This is pre-planning, so all input is appreciated! I'll be the first to say that while I have read myself cross-eyed, I still don't "get" some of the plumbing, so if I'm being obtuse, please say so. I won't cry... or if I do I won't tell you.

I just bought a RR 210G sight unseen and am picking it up Sat morning. I'm thinking I'll go with a Sequence Dart pump (Quiet is good b/c this is going in my bedroom)... About $220 shipped off The Auction Site. If you know where they're cheaper, please email me. Flow quoted as max. 3600 GPH, which would be 18 x turnover...
My questions are- first, how greatly do (intake, etc) pipe sizes affect the output of a pump? I assume there's a standard as to the size hole they (Oceanic) install, but won't know what I've got until I see it. Second, can the size of the sump (more specifically the area dedicated to "return water") affect the efficiency?
My tentative plan is to use a spare 30 I have to make my own sump/fuge, and to add on a skimmer in the next month or so when I'm not so broke.
One thing at a time...


Active Member
you want AT LEAST a 55 gallon i would think for a sump on a 210 for that sequence to suck enough water and filter good.
also it all depends on how big your pipe is, how many elbows (90 and 45) how many feet of head you have, how many ball valve joints etc. etc. if you give me all that info i can punch it all in a calculater and tell you the return.
honestly 3600gph and 18x turnover will probably drop down to about 14-1500 gph give or take and only about 10-12 times turnover(which is fine on a FOWLR tank).
i also didnt realize how much is restricted but once you punch the numbers up youll see..For a good example i have a 205gallon and i have a little giant rated for 1100 gph and i only have 2, 90 degree elbows and 5 feet of head and it only pulls 700 gph , i also have a quit one pump thats rated for 1200 gph and that one also only pulls 715
hope i helped a bit


Active Member
The Dart will give you good flow.....I'm running the HammerHead and it's a little bigger, but mad flow, and like stated pipe sizing and restrictions do play a part in things.....Try to minimize your elbows as much as possible and if wanted where you'd put an elbow in you could use flex PVC to make the bend......Flex PVC will be less restrictive than standard PVC.......I'm pretty sure the inlet and outlet on the Dart are 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 either way you don't want to down size either of these ports in or off of the pump........
To give you a good honest answer as far as if the pump is right for you, your best bet is to call the manufacturer and they have good customer service and give them and idea or layout of what your planning and they will punch in the numbers and let you know if you can stay where your at or go down in size of pump.......


Active Member
I have a 210 aga RR tank with the model 4 mega flo sump from AGA was running a mag drive 18 for a while but a little too much pressure.Then i went with the mag 12 as AGA suggests and its much better and my skimmer works much better.(running a aquamedic turbo floater 1000 And im empting it about every 2 days with nice stinky thick sludge).


My eyes just kinda glazed over ther for a few minutes...
Okay, so I'm going to have to shell out more for a 55 for the sump. Gotcha. Will do. Trying to go cheap never works for me! Heh.
I can't begin to plan out anything with elbows or pipes period at this point. I have no idea how the tank is drilled (middle, ends, all 3, custom?) - just that it's RR. I will be paying a "fish guy" to set it up, because I flat out don't know what I'm doing and I don't wanna mess it up! It's going to be an aggressive tank with probably 70 lbs of LR, not reef, so that simplifies the design. And for me, simple is REALLY good until I can put my hands on it and understand it.
Anyone running eductors? I want my flow strong enough for one at each end...


Active Member
IS your tank made by AGA (All Glass Aquarium) make sure you get the over flo kits with it makes it alot easer.If so I can give you measurement.pics,ect.If you buy a pre made sump its real easy.I went with the all glass mega flo sump as a starter and to get me going as i learn more about sumps I want to DIY one.


The tank and oak stand & canopy are by Oceanic. This whole situation is a PITA because I have no idea of stand measurements or where it's drilled. I can't really "plan" anything, but I'm dying to get the essentials out of the way.
Has anyone bought the needle wheel skimmer & pump combos off The Auction Site?


Originally Posted by Sunburnt
My questions are- first, how greatly do (intake, etc) pipe sizes affect the output of a pump? I assume there's a standard as to the size hole they (Oceanic) install, but won't know what I've got until I see it. Second, can the size of the sump (more specifically the area dedicated to "return water") affect the efficiency?

MDM (Sequence) says you can reduce the input to 1.5"...I think that's a big mistake. Reducing the input will shorten the life of the pump and may cause cavitation. I'm just guessing that tank comes with 2x1" drains, if it does you wont see anything close to 3600 gph...it will probably be more like 1400-1600 gph. If it comes with 2x1.5" drains then you'll be able to get closer to 3000 gph but your probably going to have tons of noise from the splashing water and tons of bubbles, unless you bump up the sump size. The dart is a low pressure rated pump, the barracuda (I use two of these on my 120) is med pressure and the hammerhead is high pressure. The higher the pressure the more gph though back pressure. Reducing the output pipe below 1.5" will reduce the flow, a lot.


Ah. Thank you for the response.
So to be safe (on the conservative side), I should estimate about half the pressure to be depleted, and I should go bigger than a Dart, even with an additional pump on the skimmer...
I like the attached diagram (All credit to HowieUMD
) for simplicity. Any critiques?


Active Member
Hey Sun,
I have a 215 and this is what I did....
I bought the dart as my main pump. 1 "T" with 4 1/2 feet of head pressue.
I am getting great movement and I am very happy with the performance.
I bought an iwaki md40rlt to run the skimmer and it does great job also. I do not get much noise from the overflow, but there is some.
I bought a 35 gal sump since all my pumps and skimmer are external. Only have the heater in sump.
Hope this helps.



I think I'm going to err on the side of caution and go bigger than the Dart, just so I don't have to redo this!