Egg crate and Diamond goby


Active Member
I would say that there is some truth to that statement, but I would think it should be worded more along the lines of "Gobies are more likely to follow the glass and jump close to the edge of the tank" because I am sure there are cases where the gobies go straight up from the middle. I think your precaution for this is a great idea though. I think 95% of the time they are going to jump near the edge, so good point!


Active Member
The issues with them are they tending to be jumpers may be this. I have seen where they are tide poll skippers. They will crawl or climb with their pectorals in addition to jumping.
As long as they have food in this "little tide pool" I think they do not tend to try to leave the pool (jump out of your tank) But it your tank runs out of pods etc , carpet surfing 101 seems to be their next class in school.
In addition, if yours will learn to also eat pellet food in addition to all your pods, they are happier. I over feed pellets time to time just to feed him more. Even with a nearly 50 gallon fuge on my 72 the "Rotor-Tiller" bugger still eats all the pods in the tank!


OOps, didn't realize this thread was still alive. Just an update on the goby and hopefully some helpful info. A few days after my last post on this topic, I went out of town for a couple of days and when I came back I couldn't find him. I finally looked at the egg crate and noticed that he was stuck in the egg crate. Needless to say he didn't survive.
Just a le.sson learned to always put something over the egg crate.