Egg crate?


Active Member
Hey guys, when you say egg crate, what exactly is that? I am looking for something to put on the bottom glass of my tank to redistribute the pressure more evenly when the live rock is placed on top. Pictures or diagrams would be appreciated.


Hard, but brittle plastic, I used bypass clippers to cut it up to fit. Then just trimmed any other pieces off. If putting on the bottom of a tank cut it 2 inches from the sides of the glass, this allows the critters to reach the glass and its where many of them hang out at night.
Any home depot or lowes should have them.


Just to be clear this is something I would use on any SSB = shallow sand bed, but if you have or are planing on a DSB the it would not be necessary at all.


Active Member
It will definitely be a shallow sand bed; probably 2" maximum. I want the egg crate to be on the very bottom and live rock immediately on top. I will then put the sand in around the live rock and turkey baster the live rock clean. I want a good sturdy foundation in case I decide to go with fish that like to do their own aquascaping if they do not care for mine.


Active Member
Just as an FYI, it is also known as "lighting difuser", when I asked for egg crate at my local lowes & home depot they had no idea what I was talking about......