Egg question


Ok my clowns laid eggs about a week ago. I have read that they take between 1-2 weeks to hatch. Does anyone have any pics or can u desc ribe what they should look like if they are healthy and what they will look like when they are about to hatch. Thanks, and sorry for the crappy picture it the bestbI could get due to the eggs location
Generally it takes 7-10 days depending on water temp. They will start off orange and turn darker daily to a more black color. Within a couple of days of hatching they will start bronze(or lighten up). If your male is protecting the clutch he will cull the eggs that won't hatch. The eggs generally hatch at night when the lights are off. Are you planning on raising in a brood tank or is this taking place in your display tank?


I dont have a sump or a qt tank I just have the 30g. I bought a breeder net so if any hatch they will be in there till i sell them to the LFS. Its been about a week since they were laid and they appear to be a dark green color, but its hard to tell for sure due to where they are.


Active Member
I think you should read this.
I suggest you google clownfish breeding because there is a lot to learn before sucessfully raising a fry. If there are any other fish in your tank besides your clowns the fry will be eaten. If you don't have a crop of live rotifers for your fry to eat they will die. It will be a continuous cycle every couple of weeks.