"egg-sac" on single fridmani???


1)fridmani has an "egg-like sac" dragging from anus area. Clowns are giving chase, apparently they think they're eggs too and want a nibble. This makes it very difficult to get a good look, impossible to get a picture since "he's" hiding in rock-holes.
2) the "growth" is new. I saw "freddy" yesterday and had no sign of the "egg-sac". Freddy's been in the system for 6 months, spent 45 days in qt like everyone else undergoing a round of each: hypo-salinity, copper, maracyn 1 & 2.
3) 5 days ago I added blu mushrooms, 3 shaving brushes, and 12 turbo's - acclimation but no QT.
4) no specific water readings for you, checked last week, will do a full range test tomorrow and update this thread.
5) this fridmani has always had a "pregnant" looking belly. When I first got it I thought it might be dropsy but after the QT cycle I assumed it was just the specimens' normative physique.
6)) not sure what I could do even if this was a situation where "freddy" should be treated in a qt - the only way to get this fish out of the DT is to completely strip every last hiding space out, and i might kill more than I'd save in doing it. This is why I do a pretty "heavy-duty" QT cycle... Grrrr
6) HELP!


Staff member
Hard to tell what may be going on since you can't really get a very good look. Is it possible that freddie's "egg" is a result of a wound, caused by harrassment?


whatever it was, it's gone. I JUST saw him come out for some food and the sac of "eggs" is no longer trailing. Though I'm relieved I'm still concerned that this might be an internal parasite that he's passing when he deficates. I have seen ( long ago) white stringy "feces" trailing from him before, though it was small and came off when he swam fast.
Re harrassment: it doesn't appear to be the case, though the clowns do chase him around a bit, he's got no fin damage. The clowns only seem to bother him when he intrudes on staked turf.