egg sack??



Hey gang,
I've got a couple of jelly like balls o' stuff that appear in the reef tank every couple of weeks. Its about golf ball sized, essentially clear but with tiny white specks throughout. It starts as a fairly jelly like ball, but if ruptured or after a day or so, it breaks up into sticky streamers. Broke out my sons microscope to see what I could see and found a whole bunch of little swimmers in this thing. So, assuming its an egg sack, what lays eggs like this? I've got the usual crowd of crabs, snails, serpent stars, worms, etc in the tank. Since no one reads posts when they don't have pics, here are two attempts. They are lousy, but thats what you get when you try to take a pic of something essentially clear inside a tank. One is of an intact jelly ball, the other is one that ruptured and is now spider-web like in form...



43 views on nobody has seen anything like this at all??