eggcrate racks...


Active Member
i MAY gte a frag tank and want to start planning.i want to make some egg crate racks for my up and coming frag tank but everytime i try to break some pieces off in the center to form a square inbetween other the ones around it crack but i get the ones out i wanted.what should i do.and also how do i epoxy the pieces together?


Active Member
Wire cutters have always worked well for me....and zip ties work well for holding the eggcrate together (though I like to build a PVC frame to support the eggcrate).


Active Member
Depending on hight you want, what I did was cut the pvc (3/4 in my case) and then made a cross at the top. The eggcrate slides right in. Top shows size of pvc, mid shows how it sits, bottom left shows how I cut it.


i used zip ties to hold egg crate together. i just made legs out of a portion of the egg crate and put the zip ties in different places to make it stable. i was too lazy to go buy the pvc.