


Does anyone have pictures of eggcrate on their aquariums? I would like to see some pictures of what it looks like before I put it on mine. Also what are the benefits? I know it would be better gas exchange but what else. Is there something about glass tops that block some of the light going into the tank?
Thanks in advance.


You really don't want to put glass tops on your reef tank. It causes three problems; 1) Poor Gass Exchange, 2) Heat issues, 3) Less light penetration. Why are you putting the eggcrate over your tank? If it's because you are trying to get your tank adjusted to new MH lighting it would make sense. Otherwise I wouldn't put anything over my tank.


Currently I have the glass tops on my 75 gallon. They get so full of salt residue and dust. I dont have a temp issue but I would like to make sure I am using the light to its fullest. When the glass tops are cloudy the light may not be getting thru like it should.
I dont want an open top because I have a jumper (six line wrasse) He jumped out once while I was feeding and dont want it to happen any other time.


Either way you go your are limiting your light penetration. It's not only that your glass is cloudy, but the glass itself reduces the light intensity when it passes through it. The eggcrate will screen out a good deal of your light because it is going to get blocked. I have a six line as well and keep an open top. I would risk the six line jumping if I were you. I bet it was just a one time incedent.


I still think eggcrate would be better than glass. I need something because it would suck to have my sixline wrasse jump out and dry up. I've had him about 1 1/2 years now and, you know they attach to you.
Any other opinions is appreciated
Thanks DB I appreciate your input


Originally Posted by seahorse11
Is there a special eggcrate that you ask for when you go to Home Depot?
No, but since they usually won't know what you are talking about you need to look in the section where they have fllourescent light coverings. There are usually two kinds, white and chrome.