the eggs are on a very large piece of LR that has a few corals on it and the anenome that the clowns are hosting, so there is no chance of moving the rock into a rearing tank.i have read that you can put a ceramic tile where they lay the eggs and they will lay them on it. Is this true? does it matter what kind of tile or just any ceramic one? also I would like to put one in as soon as this batch hatches so they will start using the tile, even though it wont be moved until im all set up and feel that i have enough knowledge.
I cant even explain how excited I am. I have had my female for about 3 years and the male for about 1 year. he is about half of her size so i wasnt sure if it was going to work out, but when i bought the male i picked the smallest one they had at my LFS since i heard that that is the best way to get them to mate up(i dont know if this is true or if i just got lucky)
Well just wanted to share the good news and ask a few questions there will be Many more questions to come.
also ill work on some pics but they are in kinda a tough spot to get a good pic