

I forgot the to mention i have a spotted mandrin,scooter blenny, snow flake eel, hermits,snails, a sand sifter star a cpl emeralds


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
are they on the glass, can you get a closer picture? they are probably snails
Yes there on the glass but my cam sucks they are my naz snail eggs she is laying more now will they live?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They look like Snail eggs to me. Possibly Ilyanassa obsoleta.
There deff from my Nassarius Snail .So far i have read that they are fertile and some may live as of now all my fish are in my reef tank and the only thing in there is my snowflake eel and some crabs. Whats the chances of keeping them alive? Any tips that will help them Thanks James

bang guy

Originally Posted by james2042
There deff from my Nassarius Snail .So far i have read that they are fertile and some may live as of now all my fish are in my reef tank and the only thing in there is my snowflake eel and some crabs. Whats the chances of keeping them alive? Any tips that will help them Thanks James

Ilyanassa sp. are non-feeding during the larval stage. So, if you have no mechanical filtration they have a decent chance of surviving in large numbers.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Ilyanassa sp. are non-feeding during the larval stage. So, if you have no mechanical filtration they have a decent chance of surviving in large numbers.
Ok so if i shut my filters off and keep my power heads flowing will my live rock filter enough with just the crabs,snails and a snowflake eel if i do more water changes? i have about 150lbs right now of rock with about 3 inches of live sand
Also do you know how long it takes for them to hatch? is there a site with this info?
Thanks James

bang guy

Originally Posted by james2042
Ok thanks again maybe ill end up with some free Nassarius Snails

To be clear, the snail eggs in your picture are not from Nassarius sp. Nassarius eggs are in small clear bubbles about 12 - 20 eggs in a bubble. The eggs in your picture look to me like Ilyanassa sp.
A lot of hobbiests do not distinguish between Nassarius and Ilyanassa. I don't really have a problem with that as long as they are aware of the behavioral differences between the two Genus.

bang guy

Originally Posted by james2042
so i must have a mixture can you tell me what you mean when you say behavioral differences
Nassarius can only eat carrion. They hide in the sand and don't move much until they detect the signature of decomposing animal. Once they detect that something is dying or is dead they will follow the scent to a meal.
Ilyanassa are able to graze algae or hunt for prey (worms, other snails, etc.) if Carrion is not available.