Eheim Jager Heaters


I recently purchased 2 250W Jager heaters with plans to install them in my sump on a temp. controller. When they arrived I noticed, after unpacking, that they have a min. and max. water line. I bought them with the thinking that they were fully submersible. Since they're in the sump my water level moves down 1.5" to 2" each day by way of evaporation. There is no way to stay within the water lines. The box states that the heaters are submersible buy with the water lines I am hesitant to use them fully submerged. Does anyone have any experience with these heaters? Do you run them fully submerged or what? I'm afraid that if I can't use them the way I need I will have wasted money on them. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.


They are fully submergible. They are no different in construction than when they were made by Ebo-Jager. The only difference is the name on the heater, all assembly and construction is identical. The reason is Ebo was bought by Eheim, and are now called Eheim Jager, some of the earlier purchased modes were simply Jager. The certificate of compliancey rating them for submersion is not transferable so they have to run them through the registration process again. They meel UL requirement in the USA but not Canada, and Eheim-Jager said until they are certified for canadian use to, so they can use one set format for boxing and labeling and instructins they were simply listing them as they did......use it submerged, won;t hurt a thing. Don't take my word for it though as I am a unknown on the internet, and could be a mass murderer, but just call Eheim-Jager tech support (Phone number on papers in box) and they will tell you the same thing.


Active Member
Thats great information, I didn't know that. So it's just under a different brand, but is the quality as good? I have 3yr old Jaeger heaters on both my tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
They are fully submergible. They are no different in construction than when they were made by Ebo-Jager. The only difference is the name on the heater, all assembly and construction is identical. The reason is Ebo was bought by Eheim, and are now called Eheim Jager, some of the earlier purchased modes were simply Jager. The certificate of compliancey rating them for submersion is not transferable so they have to run them through the registration process again. They meel UL requirement in the USA but not Canada, and Eheim-Jager said until they are certified for canadian use to, so they can use one set format for boxing and labeling and instructins they were simply listing them as they did......use it submerged, won;t hurt a thing. Don't take my word for it though as I am a unknown on the internet, and could be a mass murderer, but just call Eheim-Jager tech support (Phone number on papers in box) and they will tell you the same thing.
Sorry to misinform you, but they are not, and I repeat ARE NOT FULLY SUBMERSIBLE.....go ahead and submerse the heater and they will short in a heartbeat....I've had several customers do it and the exact same thing and within a bit of talking to manufacture found out they are not......If you check ************* dot com they will tell you the exact same thing