Elagance on its way out- take out of tank?


i have an elagant coral that is dfeinately dying. still has dome living tissues, but i am pretty confident taht ti wont make it. (it fell several timse u[side down in the sand and got damaged).
Do i take it out? or let it die in the tank?
The reason i am wondering is taht there are sevral nice father dusters on it, and if it is safe to leav it in, id like to keep in in their.
the peppermint shrimps are takling care of eatying the dead sutff as is dies...


You should take it out. Your amomina and nitrate will climb and I don't know if you want to take that risk of killing everything else in your tank.


Active Member
Java you know what I'm about to say, DIP IT!!! Then move it from where it has been. Try and place it in the sand or somewhere that it can not fall. If there is still color anywhere one em' then he can make it.
You have a good clean up crew, lots of rock and sand. I seriously doubt that you will experiance much, if any spike in thew water.. I personally would leave it in til' there is nothing but a skelaton left.


Active Member
I have seen nearly dead corals bounce right back when dipped. I had a lfs owner hooking me up because I would take his almost dead corals home and get the turned around. Then if I wanted to keep the coral he would give to me at price, or I could bring it back and have anywhere from $5 to $10 credit. Finally I just told him what I was doing.


Active Member
Kent Marine makes a "Coral Dip". Its a concentrated iodine and somethin' mixture that helps sick corals. It's a pool of eternal life for corals. I recommend that everyone have some on hand for situations just like this one.
Do not try and mix up a iodine dip yourself. You will kill a coral without the proper ratio!!!


I cannot locate a coral dip- my LFS does not have Kent-D, but has Kent-I (iodine supplement). is it possible to use that instead someohow?


Active Member
I was told to not try and mix up a dip myself. Bit you could always try. I mean if he is in that bad of shape you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you mix with tech I then use about 4 teaspoons in a container just big enough to hold the coral under water(your water). Let him sit in for only 7 minutes. Then place him in your tank.
This will either make it or break it Javajoe. Your doing what the instructions on the dip say do cept' your loosing a little more Tech I than than dip. Tech I is dilluted.
Just know that this was not recommended top me. It could very well speed the process up. The dip has more than just iodine in it, but the iodine is the key ingrediant to the dip. It's your call.


seeing as that i dont have access to Tech-D without buying online, and the coral is dying quite fast... I think i'll try the tech-I and post back what happens. was ready to throw it out anyway... :)


You know, I lost 2 elegance corals before I ever heard of dipping them. I could not find coral dip either and used kent Iodine on my 3rd and final try. The coral is thriving, because of the dip? Who knows. I may have just finally got a real healthy one. All I can say is at this point it is worth a try.


if they have any living tissue left they can still be saved. I would most def do a coral dip as this has saved a hammer coral and an elegance for me. where i got it? I borrowed some from a fellow reef keeper i met locally.


if they have any living tissue left they can still be saved. I would most def do a coral dip as this has saved a hammer coral and an elegance for me. where i got it? I borrowed some from a fellow reef keeper i met locally.